I would love to find a nice early Snake Charmer Pelham Puppet to add to my personal collection, the one with upturned thumbs and a beautiful costume with jewels adorning it. A difference other than the thumbs is in the snake, it has nail teeth and a hard tongue, later this is felt and softer. Often this puppet is missing its flute or its snake more importantly. A rare find and competition is high, the later Snake Charmer also is very sought after. It's not often that one is seen for sale. Recently on ebay some spare mould parts were sold for painting, a good buy to make your puppet complete, a Snake Charmer flute was in the lot. I love all the differences each puppet has, thanks to the person who was sitting at their work bench using their imagination and producing a unique puppet, every puppet painted differently.
Wish me luck finding a Snake Charmer for me and one for the Shop!